East Essex Smallholders Chitchat Headline Animator


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Thursday 7 April 2011

NEWSLETTER - January 2011

Happy New Year fellow Smallholders!

I hope you all had a great Christmas despite all the snow leading up to the festive period. Last weekend with the better weather, it reminded us that spring is just around the corner. Then it dawned on mum and I that we Lamb in 8 weeks!!

I would firstly like to say congratulations to Mr and Mrs Green they have now had their first litters of Mangaliza Pigs.

We also enjoyed a litter of Gloucester Old Spot Piglets born on Christmas Afternoon!

I think everyone enjoyed the finish to the 2010 meetings, with a very informative talk from NFU in November and the Christmas Buffet.

We hope everyone who raised Turkeys for 2010 enjoyed their Christmas Dinner and were pleased with the service Henry Carr offered. Hopefully he will be able to provide the same service next year. I have had some fantastic feedback comments and have bookings for Christmas 2011 birds already, I’m sure others have had the same.

Unfortunately Carol Knight is unable to attend the March Meeting, but I have rearranged SX Environmental Services to come and give a talk on the pest control products they offer.

I think everyone has noticed the vast jump in the price of animal feed. Sow Nuts have gone up £80 per tonne since the summer. The fruit and vegetable stall at Colchester market on a Saturday morning are selling nets of carrots, parsnips and turnips for £1.50 per net. I collected some before Christmas and they have been very popular with the animals.

If you have a spare moment, take a look at
http://www.dissupplies.co.uk/. Di offers a great service of agricultural supplies in Essex, and we have just ordered some mineral buckets for the sheep.

Nigel has been doing research on the table birds, it seems Sasso’s are proving rather hard to get hold of. He has suggested we stay with the supplier we have used for the last few years Poulet Anglais.

He does JA757 and Colouryield, which finish in 10-12 weeks. He also does JA787 which have a higher proportion of broiler blood line so they finish in 8-10 weeks or become huge when older.

The Colouryield are the brown/gold and white birds. The other 2 are basically white but also can have bits of black on them.

In the past Nigel and I have had a mix of Colouryield and 757, and they have been very tasty Birds.

They work out £1.30 per poult, I will have to meet the driver at Brentwood to collect them, I can put them in my brooder, until they are collected, but I would need cash in advance to pay the driver.

Delivery will be 23rd of March, Please email me to confirm, variety and numbers.

Caroline mentioned at the last meeting, she has a friend who would be willing to help us set up a website for the group, if anyone is interested in helping to set up and maintain the website please email Caroline: Carolineaugust3@yahoo.com.

Susannah also mentioned she would be willing to demonstrate her wool skills if people were interested. Mr Doubleday has offered the use of his premises for the session and for those without any fleeces we have plenty that we are happy to donate. Please contact Susannah, so she has an idea of numbers and set a date: Susannah@susannahhall.org

I will forward dates for the butchery course in the next few weeks.

Due to work commitments, I am struggling to find enough time to arrange and coordinate the meetings, to a standard of which I think it deserves. I was wondering if anybody is interested in lending a hand with newsletters, planning meetings i.e. organising guest speakers and outings to enable the group to move forward. Please email me if you would be willing to help and have ideas for the future.

I have been contacted by the editor of aboutmyarea.co.uk, asking if the group would like to submit a different positive article. Is anybody interested in writing an article on smallholding? Please email me and I can forward you the details.

A quick reminder of the next few Months:

Tuesday 25th January 2011         7.15pm Blue Boar Maldon
We have a local vet who is going to give a talk on worming and common ailments in poultry.

Tuesday 22nd February 2011       7.15pm Blue Boar Maldon
DEFRA will be attending to talk about their role in keeping livestock and rules and regulations we should abide by!!
They have requested some of the questions we may ask, so they can make sure they have all the appropriate information and leaflets. Please email me by 18th February.

Tuesday 22nd March 2011        7.15pm Blue Boar Maldon
SX Environmental Supplies will be giving a talk on the pest control products they supply.

Tuesday 19th April 2011            7.15pm Blue Boar Maldon
McVeigh Parker will be giving a talk on fencing and the products they offer

We look forward to seeing you all on the 25th January.

All the best


With the help of Mum and Caroline!