Sheep - Things to do this Month - October
SHEEP – for a March/April lambing flock:
Adjust the following dates for earlier/later lambing flocks, and see last month’s guidance for later lambing flocks
If you’re new to sheep breeding, or need to brush up any aspects of your skills, get hold of your very own copy of The Breeding Flock – Programme Three in our“Sheep on Your Smallholding” series of DVDs.
- Plan for the ram to join the ewes on 1st November, lambing will begin on 1st April – with a few days latitude either side!
- Flushing the ewes on your best pasture six weeks before they’re due to go to the ram will promote fertility and a good crop of lambs.
- If you’ve had poor lambing results in the past, consider using a Vitamin and Trace Element drench or bolus for breeding ewes and rams 4-weeks pre-tupping to improve conception rates and shorten the lambing period. Ideally, you should carry out a forage and/or soil analysis beforehand to identify specific needs.
- Make sure the ram is in good shape, and carry out a ram ‘MOT’ – tone, teeth, toes and testicles (the 4 ‘T’s)
- Get the ram(s) into tip-top condition for a tight lambing period by putting him onto good grazing at least 6 weeks prior to joining. DON’T leave it until the week before he’s due to join the ewes and try to build him up with concentrates – this can lead to serious problems.
- Before they join the ram, check ewes’ condition, teeth, feet and udders, and crutch if they carry a heavy fleece – trim wool from their behinds so as not to impede the ram, and keep things nice and tidy for lambing!
- A couple of days before the start of tupping, fit the raddle harness to the ram(s) then turn the ram in with the ewes 147 days (roughly 5 months) before your planned lambing date.
- Be vigilant for Liver Fluke (fascioliasis), especially if your sheep graze wet pastures – at this time of year you are likely to encounter the acute stage of Liver Fluke. Any sudden loss of condition or unexplained death should be investigated. Signs of sub-acute disease include lethargy, anaemia (identified by pale mucous membranes), poor body condition, poor fleece quality and reduced grazing. Chronic fascioliasis can be detected in faecal samples; acute and sub-acute disease is diagnosed though blood samples that will show raised liver enzymes, and should be treated strategically in line with your Flock Health Plan. If sheep graze wet pastures, consider dosing, and choose your drench carefully to make sure it is effective against the early immature fluke stage of the disease. For a complete explanation of the complex lifecycle and treatment of this disease, (click here) to watch a video presented by Michaela Strachan.
- Scab is an increasing problem in many areas (particularly Scotland and northern counties) and is aserious disease; if you have itchy sheep and patches of rubbed fleece, suspect scab and ask your vet to carry out a skin scrape
- Hopefully, most of this year’s lambs will be away by now – if you have any that are a bit behind and are running short of grazing, consider either selling them as ‘stores’ to farmers who have sufficient grass to over-winter them, or alternatively, produce them as ‘hogget’ for next spring.
- Read our Autumn Expert Articles – we’re adding more all the time from our ‘panel’ of highly respected vets and experts. Catch up on two vital aspects of sheep breeding: Be Prepared for Tupping Time, andSelecting For Sound Feet, written by Chris Lewis and Agnes Winter, two of the most respected specialist sheep vets in the UK.
- And finally, If you’re as busy (or forgetful!) as I always seem to be, treat yourself to one of our brilliant littleBreeding Flock Planners – just set your target lambing date, and it will display dates for all the flock management tasks, from flushing to weaning, for the rest of the year!