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Friday, 7 November 2014

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Parkin Cake & Pumpkins!
This season isn’t all about pumpkins and parkin cake!  Apples play important traditional roles too during Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night celebrations.  Most are familiar with apple bobbing during Halloween (or All Hallows’ Evening), but did you know that it was customary to abstain from meat and consume potato pancakes, soul cakes, apples and cider instead? On Bonfire Night Parkin may be the traditional cake eaten, but many feel that the night wouldn’t be complete without a toffee apple or two (just watch those teeth!).

If you have more than enough apples than you can coat with toffee, why not turn them into apple juice and cider? Or, if you already have a Vigo press and want to upgrade your crushing or your press there is no better time.  Make the most of our Autumn Sale prices on selected apple presses and crushers without getting your fingers burnt … excuse the pun, we couldn’t resist it!