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Wednesday 11 January 2012

Bacon Connoisseurs' Week - 19-25 March 2012

The sixth annual Bacon Connoisseurs’ Week takes place from 19-25 March 2012. Growing in success each year, media coverage in 2011 reached a new high of £5m!
The week has been established to communicate to consumers that ‘Not all Bacon is the same’. Under the theme ‘Red, White & Bacon’ Awards one of the first activities is the hotly contested Bacon competition.
This year, there are four award categories to highlight to consumers the rich heritage of Bacon curing and how many different varieties of premium bacon are available:
          1. Classic Dry Cure
          2. Traditional Wet Cure
          3. Smoked
          4. The 'Rasher-nal' Treasure Award

We are looking for some truly exceptional bacon within the these categories plus something new and exciting within the Rasher-nal Treasure Award, to demonstrate how far our humble rasher has come in recent years.
So, if you think your bacon is up to the task and would like a chance to become the Bacon Connoisseurs Week 2012 Champion don’t delay, go to  www.porkforbutchers.co.uk to download an entry form today.

But don’t take it from us, listen to a past winner:
“These awards show that there is real quality bacon for customers in local shops as well as personal customer service.”
G & E Hallsworth, Ormskirk Butchers.

Completed entry forms must be received by Monday 23rd January 2012.

Good luck and we look forward to receiving your entry.

In the meantime, if you have any queries about the competition or the week please contact 0247 647 8809 or alternatively email baconenquiries@bpex.org.uk.