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Thursday, 27 February 2014

Home Farmer

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Dealing with a Marmalade Glut
Mel Sellings, winner of the 2013 Gold Gong for her Seville Orange Marmalade at the World's Original Marmalade Awards, provides us with some recipes to use up an excess of the deliciously sticky orange stuff. She's given us the following 3 fab recipes, so go ahead and enjoy a real treat cortesy of the 'Jammy Bodger'.

Home Farmer Forum News
After 4 years away our Home Farmer Forum was opened 2 days ago. It's early days and needs your imput to get it going so please join up and have your say. click here

Make this three-tier planter
If towns have shot up skywards, then so too can our gardens. Make this superb planter for under £30. Click here for the plans.

Heritage Seeds Update
We wrote last summer about proposals which could have made most heritage seeds illegal by introducing a requirement for testing and maintaining registration - a prohibitive cost for all but the biggest producers. There's some good news but we must remain wary. For an update click here.

Terry Walton's Tips on Growing your Pots in Pots.
Straight from the allotment comes Radio 2's allotment guru, Terry Walton, to share his best tips for growing your potatoes in containers. To find out more click here.

Lambing Warning for Pregnant Women
Defra and the Department of Health have issued an important warning for pregnant women who may be present or on site during lambing, calving and/or kidding. Both potential mothers and unborn children could be at risk from infections, and not just during the birthing process: if washing clothes used during the birthing or dealing with newborn livestock, the risks will still be present. For up-to-date advice on avoiding (and dealing with) infection click here.

Win Tickets to The Edible Garden Show
We've teamed up with the folks at The Edible Garden Show to offer 5 pairs of free tickets asa special giveaway. To enter you just need to name the venue for the 2014 show and email the details to ruth@homefarmer.co.uk together with your name and address. Please head your email EDIBLE GARDEN SHOW. Winners will be picked and notified on Monday.